Batter Fried Squid

This flavourful and delicious batter fried squid is wonderful to serve as a savoury snack anytime.

Orange Semolina Cake in Mini Loaf Pans

orange almond semolina cake
I love making mini desserts. This set of 4, white porcelain Mini Loaf Pans are useful to make mini breads, cakes, and more. I used this dishwasher, oven, and microwave safe 6 x 3.5 x 2.5" loaf pans to make this orange flavoured fragrant semolina cake. To make this cake you will need

Oatmeal Cranberry and Raisin Cookies

oatmeal raisin cookies
Homemade cookies are delicious. I like how we can adjust the ingredients to suit our preference. These cookies with oatmeal and dried cranberries and raisins can be stored in airtight container for upto 3 days at room temperature or 1 week in the refrigerator.

Baking Bread using Banneton Proving Basket and Terracotta Bread Form

homemade baked bread
I love using terracotta pots to cook over my gas cooker, as I find it gives the dishes an additional delicious flavour. Other than baking on a clay pizza peel, I haven't baked bread inside a terracotta pan before. I am excited by using the Mason Cash 34cm unglazed Terracotta Bread Form, I can bake bread at home inside a terracotta pan. I found using the terracotta bread form gave the baked bread a delicious flavour, and it smells fabulous. 

Chocolate Éclairs

Happy 2016 Everyone!

This éclair recipe from Flour cookbook by Joanne Chang is a delicious go to recipe for me. It makes 12 éclairs or 24 cream puffs. This cookbook has lots of delicious recipes we can make at home. I like the details the author provides to make delicious baked goods. 

Star Wars Inspired BB8 Birthday Cake

I made this birthday cake for my son's 7th birthday. I have made this chocolate cake before and like it because it is moist and an easy one bowl method cake.  

Savoir Faire Collection Would Make Entertaining Festive

Danesco Inc. a Montreal based company has been distributing and marketing high end kitchenware accessories for more than 50 years. Savoir Faire collection of serving accessories that juxtaposes slate, wood, porcelain, and glass is exclusive to Danesco. Each piece is adorned with an eclectic vintage look to create inspiring at-home entertaining experiences.

Sweet Potato Smoothie

Recently, at the #SwitchtoSweet event I got an opportunity to learn about the American Sweet Potato. The non-profit organization, American Sweet Potato Marketing Institute, promotes the sweet potato industry of the United States to both foreign and domestic buyers. This organization promotes research in the science of sweet potato horticultural practices, processes and technologies to ensure the best quality produce. 

Zazen Bear: An Oasis of Peace in Manhattan

Everyday life in this technology driven world with millions of stimuli we get everywhere we turn, I find it is hard to find the place and the time to feel peaceful. Zazen Bear, a new Zen retail concept store at 497 Broome Street in New York helps find the moment of inner peace. This is an interesting concept that I hope will come to Toronto.